Paper room

Analytical Standpoint

Alexander Siedschlag: Report on the CPSI Final Symposium: Changing Perceptions of Citizen Security and Acceptance of Security-enhancing Interventions. Sigmund Freud Private University, CEUSS | Center for European Security Studies, Analytical Standpoint, no. 14 (May 2010).

Andrea Jerković/Alexander Siedschlag: Summary of CPSI Country Case Studies. Austria – Bulgaria – France – Germany – Italy – Netherlands – Sweden – United Kingdom. Sigmund Freud Private University - CEUSS | Center for European Security Studies, Analytical Standpoint, no. 13 (April 2010).

Alexander Siedschlag/Andrea Jerkovic: CPSI First Results #1: Primary interpretation of survey findings to identify national citizen security cultures, Analytical Standpoint, no. 12 (November 2008).

Alexander Siedschlag: A Policy Primer on Security Research Contributions to EU Rapid Reaction, Analytical Standpoint, no. 11 (October 2008).

Alexander Siedschlag: European Countries National Security Research Policy Compared in the Light of FP 7, Analytical Standpoint, no. 10 (July 2008).

Alexander Siedschlag et al.: The German Security Elite – Threat Perception and Preferred Responses. Survey Report in the Framework of the EU-GARNET Project “Vertices of Conflict and Cooperation: Threat Perception into the 21st Century”, Analytical Standpoint, no 5 (September 2006).

Alexander Siedschlag: International Non-Proliferation Policy and the United Nations Security System after 9/11 and Iraq, Analytical Standpoint, No 1 (November 2005).

Published project deliverables where CEUSS is the deliverable leader

FOCUS Deliverable 3.2: Report on alternative future models of comprehensiveness (2011)

FOCUS Deliverable 6.2: Summary - Research agenda EU - global actor (2012)

FOCUS Deliverable 7.1: Problem space description - EU internal framework (2011)

FOCUS Deliverable 7.2: Analysis of Lisbon Treaty towards EU roles (2012)

FOCUS Deliverable 9.4: Mid-term symposium with winter school (2012)

CPSI Deliverable: Report on Cultural Issues: Changing Perceptions of Security Requires European Cultural Sensitivity (2010)

CPSI Deliverable: Summary of Country Case Studies (2010)

CPSI Deliverable: Culture-sensitive Communication Guidelines to Prevent or Reduce Gaps Between Citizens' Actual and Perceived Security (2010)



Selected papers

Alexander Siedschlag: Neorealist contributions to a theory of ESDP. Presentation by Alexander Siedschlag at the II. European Security Conference (ESCI), Panel "Contemporary Analytical Approaches to European Security and Effective Multilateralism", 2006.

Alexander Siedschlag: Germany - Threatened by the evil in the world. From a reluctant power to an active peace donator? Paper for the GARNET-Project (6th EU FP) "Vertices of Conflict and Cooperation: Threat Perception into the 21st Century (2005).

Alexander Siedschlag: Digital Democracy and its Application to the International Arena - From "Deliberation" to "Decision". Paper presented at the conference hosted by the Center for Security Studies der ETH Zürich and the International Studies Association (ISA) "Information Revolution and the Changing Face of International Relations and Security", 23-25 May 2005, Luzern.

Alexander Siedschlag/Rosemarie Stangl/Diana Silvestru/Florian Fritz/Andrea Jerković/Susanne Kindl: Methods to Integrate Considerations on Culture, Ethics and Citizen Acceptance Into Urban Planning for Resilience Enhancing and Vulnerability Reduction Regarding Citizen Security. Paper presented at the European urban research association conference “Urban Europe – Challenges to Meet the Urban Future”, 20-22 September 2012, Vienna, Austria, Track 4 – Vulnerable and Resilient Cities.


Summary of CEUSS contribution to Urban Securipedia as developed by the VITRUV project.

Selected presentations

Andrea Jerković: CPSI Comparative Country Case Studies.


Andrea Jerković/Alexander Siedschlag: Report on the Panel "The Role of Social Media in Understanding and Managing Complex Catastrophic Events" at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Science Conference. Washington, D.C ., April 2011.

Alexander Siedschlag/Andrea Jerković: EU Security Research Project FOCUS. Foresight Security Scenarios: Mapping Research to a Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles. Danube University Krems, Security Conference 2012.

Alexander Siedschlag: Presentation of selected results from the FP7 Security Research project FOCUS: "Foresight Security Scenarios: Mapping Research to a Comprehensive Approach to Exogenous EU Roles" at the ARCHIMEDES Roundtable "External Dimension of Security: EU Science and Technology", Brussels, 24-25 April 2013.

Alexander Siedschlag: Präsentation: Social and cultural aspects of protection of the soldier in the context of force protection, Congress on European Security and Defence –  Berliner Sicherheitskonferenz, Panel: Protection of the Soldier – an ongoing challenge for politics and industry, 2010.

Alexander Siedschlag: Civil-Military Interaction in EU Crisis Management. Speech to the European Security and Defence Assembly. Assembly of the Western European Union. Assembly Colloquy on: "Civil-Military Cooperation in Crisis Management", Berlin, Reichstag, 2009.

Alexander Siedschlag: Security research programmes as a clue to national security culture. Presentation by Alexander Siedschlag at the CPSI Research Colloquium: "Perception of Security and Fear of Crime", Sigmund Freud PrivateUniversity Vienna, 2009.

Alexander Siedschlag: A primer on the results of security culture country case studies. Presentation by Andrea Jerkovic at the CPSI Research Colloquium: "Perception of Security and Fear of Crime", Sigmund Freud PrivateUniversity Vienna, 2009.

Alexander Siedschlag: Civil-military interaction in EU crisis management. Conceptual underpinnings and policy options towards "CMNEW" (civil-military networking). George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, 2006.

Alexander Siedschlag: Central and South Eastern Europe and European integration - The role of the Partnership for Peace programme. NATO School, 2006.

Alexander Siedschlag: The multidimensional development of ESDP as an instrument for comprehensive conflict management. EU-NESCA Workshop 1: EU’s Foreign Governance: CFSP and ESDP and its Impact on Asia. Institute of European Studies of Macao, 2006.

Alexander Siedschlag: NATO Today and Its Global Engagement. European Summer Academy, Gumpoldskirchen, 2006.


Andrea Jerković: CPSI Comparative Country Case Studies on Security Cultures (March 2010).



( – 07-05-2013)